Kings And Queens Family Services

-A Personal, Partnering Practice

KQFS Services

Share Our Space

Yes, getting the help you need costs money and will require your patience and time.

Kings And Queens will partner WITH you to guarantee the return on this investment in your life.

Providing a safe space on every level is part of our therapeutic DNA. Changing your situation (and ultimately your life) with comfortable concentration is a reasonable expectation and a featured privilege of our partnership.

Call and let us discuss the best time and place for your 1st face-to-face meeting.


We fully understand sharing anything, especially difficult moments is a scary process and welcome connecting with you and growing our relationship virtually.

We will set up your FREE 15 minute screening and then discuss how our affordable 45 minute online sessions can AND WILL bring about the changes you need to succeed.

We welcome and accept all individuals seeking support and readiness for real change.  Our world can be hard to navigate alone, therefore allow us the opportunity to support you.

We are up to the task.

Our team focuses on a vast array of life events, challenges and real-time stressors.

 We also pride ourselves on focusing proper time and resources to address:

·       Current Trauma Episodes and Post-Traumatic Effects

·       Generalized Anxiety

·       Mild to Severe Depression

·       Military Veteran Reintegration and Adjustment Issues

·       Human/Sexual Trafficking

·       Blended Family Concerns

·       Adjustment Problems With Children And Adolescents

About KQFS

We have developed a discreet and rapid screening process which allows us to book much more efficiently, and it is a difference you need experience to believe. 

At Kings & Queens Family Services LLC, getting you the help you need is more than a promise-

It is our dignity-driven, clear and compassionate priority with every call, appointment and referral. 

Contact Us


Give us a little info and we will be in touch shortly. Because our results have proven to be VERY POSITIVE there is often a wait list, yet we commit to connecting and screening immediately via text, email or call.